MSNBC featured a news article about a new menu item in China --- salmon doughnut. Once failed in the early 2000s, Dunkin’s Donuts now teams up with a Taiwanese franchise partner and re-opens several stores in Canton (Guangzhou), China. Doughnuts have always been Americans’ favorite snack. Since the 90s, other Americans’ fast-food giants like McDonald’s and KFC, have already become popular eateries in China. When Dunkin’ Donuts followed McDonald’s and KFC, who would imagine Dunkin’s would fail and end up leaving the market of a 1.3 billion potential consumers? Compared to Dunkin’s Donuts, McDonald’s did something more than just bringing American food to China. From the very beginning, McDonald’s has attempted to “blend” the Chinese custom and culture into the “Americanized menu.” The restaurant even tried rice burger. Some “renovated” items remain to serve the Chinese market. Today, consumers can order pork burger at a McDonald’s Hong Kong location because many Chinese consume pork and ...
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