Courtney Rubin at reported that YouTube now receives 2 billion hits a day, which doubles the number of people who watch ABC, CBS, and NBC combined and doubles the number of hits on YouTube recorded in October. Being visible on YouTube becomes as important as on Facebook and Twitter. 
Although nobody wants to watch a poor quality or boring videos online, a YouTube video does not need to be “perfect” or “professional.” In my opinions, being SHORT, FUN, and REAL is the key. Different from TV viewers, who may stay in front of “the box” for 5 hours a day, YouTube viewers only spend 15 minutes on the site daily. A 2 to 3 minute video is probably how much time most people can handle for each video. If I am a viewer, I only want to share the video that is fun, real, and possibly useful to the recipients, no matter if I use e-mails, Facebook, or Twitter. Oh, did I mention the importance of making sure the video is saved with the right "keywords" that are searchable on YouTube, Bing, Google, and Yahoo? What do you think?
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Although nobody wants to watch a poor quality or boring videos online, a YouTube video does not need to be “perfect” or “professional.” In my opinions, being SHORT, FUN, and REAL is the key. Different from TV viewers, who may stay in front of “the box” for 5 hours a day, YouTube viewers only spend 15 minutes on the site daily. A 2 to 3 minute video is probably how much time most people can handle for each video. If I am a viewer, I only want to share the video that is fun, real, and possibly useful to the recipients, no matter if I use e-mails, Facebook, or Twitter. Oh, did I mention the importance of making sure the video is saved with the right "keywords" that are searchable on YouTube, Bing, Google, and Yahoo? What do you think?
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