Today, Dr. Blum, Dr. Adams, and I toured the hospitality and culinary arts program at Austin Community College and the Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg. We met with a few community leaders and discussed the future needs of the community and hospitality students. I believe strong community support is one key why Horseshoe Bay Resort and the RHIM (Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management) program at Texas Tech University can build a win-win relationship.

As a tourist destination, Texas Hill Country needs many well-trained hospitality professionals to sustain the business. There are a few community colleges in this region that offer associate degree in hospitality and relative field. However, the community is still facing a challenge of providing adequate education to the labor force for their career advancement. There is a need for a four-year hospitality program in the Hill Country. In addition to Lubbock (main campus) and San Angelo (Angelo State University), Texas Tech University System has several off-campus sites, including Abilene, Amarillo, Fredericksburg, Highland Lakes, and Junction. Fredericksburg, Highland Lakes, and Junction are all located in the Hill Country. Texas Tech University has a great potential of meeting the needs of the community.

Several years ago, Horseshoe Bay Resort started hiring the RHIM students at Texas Tech to meet its temporary needs. Over the years, RHIM students have built a good reputation by providing excellent guest service, having good work ethics, and demonstrating the knowledge of hospitality management. The community shows trust and great support of to Texas Tech, which pushes the win-win relationship forward.

Tomorrow, I will meet with the interns in the resort hotel. I wonder what experience they have with Horseshoe Bay Resort and the community.
* The pictures show the Hill Country University Center at the Fredericksburg location.
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