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What It Takes to Be a Wedding Planner

Every channel is talking about the Royal Wedding now. Besides Price William and Kate Middleton, the attention also goes to what it takes to plan such an extravagant event. Today’s CNN News video, however, shows us a wedding planner’s work in a “normal” scale and a more realistic way. Being a good wedding planner, one must*:
  • Pay attention to details
  • Understand what the bride (clients) needs and give her (them) what she (they) want
  • (Better yet, anticipate clients’ needs)
  • Multi-task
  • Be aware of the trends
  • (Better yet, be innovative and able to lead the trends)
  • (Build and maintain a good network with clients and business partners)
  • Be passionate about the profession
  • Be willing to go an extra mile for the clients
What other must-have competencies do you want to add? On April 29, when we watch the Royal Wedding, we may also want to appreciate those hospitality professionals who put up such a nice event (show) for us, is that right?

* I add my own comments and thoughts in the blankets; I also believe that all hospitality professionals must possess those competencies.

Picture of Price William and Kate Middleton was downloaded from the Celebrity Blog.


  1. I think Mark Niemerko is a good and reponsible webbing planner. As what article says, he understands what the clients needs and give them what they want. He is professional and passionate. Niemerko's best part is he pays attention to details. In video, he checks every detail by himself for clients. I think wedding planners should learn from him. To satisfy his client he should catch newest trends and doing multi-task. And this is not only for wedding planner, but i think every people who are in service industry should remind these method.
    --------- HPM314 Young Ju Choi

  2. Andrew Warner HPM 314
    Being a wedding planner is a very unique part of the hospitality industry. Three of my best freinds got married a few years back, each at a different time and they all had different weddings. My first freind who got married used a wedding planner because his wife wanted to. He was very thorough even picking out the tuxedo for the groom and best man. That wedding went great. My second freind had his wedding and reception at a private country club and they did all the planning and work on the wedding and it turned out to be a beautiful wedding. My third freind who is my best freind did all the work himself and I helped him all the way through it. We thought it would be easy because we have been in the hospitality business for years but there was alot involved. It was a challenge having to pick the right place for the reception, what food did he want, who to invite and so many other things. Him and I spent months trying to make sure we had everything right. It was a tough task but the day of the wedding everything went very smooth and the wedding was very successful. It was a totaly different experience than any other I have encountered in hospitality. I strongly agree with all the tips on being a planner especially knowing what the client wants and paying attention to detail.

  3. Thank you for sharing your personal examples. Very interesting. Event planning is indeed a professional field, same as restaurant and hotel management and other fields of hospitality management.

  4. people lack on how big wedding planning is you can take wedding planning far, I agree with professor Kwok its just like restaurant and hotel management all of them go hand in hand. i think the world is just waiting for a big wedding planning business to open.

  5. It's a nice information about the wedding planner.The role and process of the wedding planner shown with the video.If any one needs help in plan a wedding,My suggestion is to use the wedding app and get gain from it.


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