Probably because of a long-lasting recession, coupons have come back to life, but in a different way. Online discounters like Groupon are very popular. According to the Fortune Magazine, Groupon has grown from 37 to 7,100 employees within 21 months. Ironically, this Internet/mobile discounter does not rely on the “net” to support the company’s dramatic growth. Then, what channels does Groupon rely on in talent acquisition?
The answer is employee referrals. Groupon uses internal recruiters, hiring managers, and social media tools such as Twitter and LinkedIn. “About 40% of new hires come from employees.” When employee referrals are so important these days, job seekers had better know how to leverage the power of their social network. So, forget about what you can do for a minute, my question for job seekers today is: Do you know the right person who can help you get a job?
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Elmer, V. (2011, July 25). Hiring without a net: Groupon’s recruiter speaks. Fortune, p. 34.
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