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Do You Want to Own a Successful Career?

Carmen Wong Ulrich, Russ Michell, and Rebecca Jarvis at CBS News discussed the traits that successful businesspersons have in common. They include:
  • Stay “hungry” for success, creativity, and learning. Being curious and striving to acquire new knowledge and skills are very important.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Do you know that people will lose 10% of productivity in a day if they do not have the positive attitude? 
  • Pick your battles. Be effective. Ask yourself what you can accomplish after doing this or that. One must demonstrate his/her accomplishments at work.  
  • Less screen time and more face time. Networking takes place beyond social networking sites. It is important to sit down with someone for a face to face conversation. I, myself, use social media a lot, but I cannot agree more on this point. The truth is I will never get to know a person or a co-worker unless I spend time drinking coffee, having lunch/dinner, or working with this person. 
  • Career 24/7. Join affiliated groups and connect with the members. Networking can take place everywhere and every minute. 
  • Move forward every day. I believe that a big accomplishment can come from a stack of many small accomplishments. 
  • Focus, focus, and focus. There are so many distractions at work. Focus = productivity.

What contributes to a successful career? Do you have what it takes to succeed in your field? 


  1. I believe that these are all extremely valid points when it comes to being successful in the workplace. It is important to always remain positive and strive towards a new goals each and every day; this will spike your interest and keep you motivated. Social media is extremely important in the modern world, but what is even more significant is to be able to effectively communicate with others face to face. It is important to never give up and always see the bigger picture that you are working towards accomplishing.
    I believe that I have what it takes to succeed in my future career because I agree with the above statements. I have drive; I am eager to gain more hands on experience and knowledge with regards to special events planning. This is a huge advantage because when one has passion and the desire to excel in his or her field of interest, success is something that comes naturally.

  2. I agree with this article that successful businesspersons have in common. Successful people enjoys their time and challenge, because they think challenging is good chance to improve their skills and knowledge. Also, I agree with that spend time together is better to know each other than communicate by social networking. Social networking website can be good source of get to know each other, but it is hard to be reliable relationship. Also, successful people focus on what they want to achieve or their goal and they try their best to raise their productivity. So I wish that i could achieve successful career in hospitality industry later with the facts that this article explained and to achieve my goal I will work hard with my passion.
    - Young Ju Choi

  3. I agree with all the key points mentioned in this CBS News video. Owning a successful career doesn’t just come to you, you have to work for it. You must always be hungry for success and want to learn more. I think its very important to stay positive each day, and don’t let people see that your in a negative mood. By you staying positive, this puts other people in positive moods and they will also continue to strive for a successful business. I think the most important point that the video discusses is “less screen time, and more face time.” Networking plays a HUGE role in being a successful business man/woman. It is always good to get to know a person or a co-worker on a personal level. Networking gets a persons name out there and the more you network, the more you are talked about. For example, if you are in a business meeting and your name comes up, someone who you have sat down with and spoke to may have such nice things to say about your personality and the way you communicate. This is why I think networking is the most important tool.

  4. I have had a lot of jobs in the past I can definitely attribute to the value of positivity. I've come to find that it doesn't matter what kind of work you do if negativity runs rampant. One of the worst jobs I've ever had was at an Inn. I was a server in the catering department. It was miserable to come to work because everyone had a negitivite outlook. Everyone from the bussers to the maitre'd made is a terrible place to work. Similarly I also worked at a McDonald's when I was in high school. It was my first real job so I didn't realize how good it was. I was always happy to work because I was making money for the first time ever. But everyone who I worked with was friendly and even though we were all doing the lowest work you could think of we still liked going in. When it comes to career I'm sure that negativity is even more contangeous. Instead of being part time, you spend the every day with the same people for the same amount of hours more or less. It cannot take a lot for that to turn sour if there is someone with a negative outlook ruining it for everyone.

  5. I would agree with all the key points that make someone successful. If you do not push and strive for something, you will never accomplish anything. I would agree with in the movie how that talked about being "hungry" for success. If you do not go out there and go what for it what will you ever accomplish in life?
    In the CBS news video they talk about networking and how important it is to reach out to managers and make sure people know who you are. by networking you get yourself out there to let people know who you are. This short clip is very straight on, on all the right things to be doing to stay successful and get yourself out there so people can know who you are and what you want to do. I do believe by following all this you can be successful.

  6. I believe that this is very true that having a positive attitude at work is the way you should respond. But on your point about focus, don’t a lot of the millennials have problems focusing? We discussed in class that most millennials love to multitask, I for one am guilty of this. And although we can multitask well that does not mean that we are giving 100% to both of the tasks that we are doing. If I study and listen to music I find that eventually I stop studying and just listen to the music that I am playing. Won't this effect the productivity of work? If you aren't giving 100% to what you are doing then it won't come out as well done.

    1. I believe setting a deadline and a good plan would be helpful if one wants to get things done. I also believe somethings can be done together while some others don't, like we can easily eat while watching TV or listen to our favorite songs while working out, but many of us would find it difficult to write a good essay while playing video games. I think we need to know our limit --- honestly, I don't recommend multi-tasking while doing homework even though many millennials may choose to. I agree with you that listening to music could be distracting in some cases.

  7. Successful businessmen like Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg or Yuri Mintskovsky also share these traits mentioned above. If you possess these qualities, you'll surely succeed in your business and life.


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