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We Have Good Reasons to Become Facebook Addict, Psychologists Said

“Yes, yes, I know. I should have stopped, but please just let me finish posting this update …” God knows how difficult it becomes these days to get people’s attention away from Facebook or just any social media platforms. People are tempted to check news feeds and updates.  

Let me ask you another question: When was the last time you checked your Facebook? Was it just a minute ago before you put down your cell phone? Or right in this moment while you are trying to share my discussion on Facebook? For a long time, Facebook has become the most visited website in the U.S. (3rd place in the world) and the website on which Americans spend the most time. There must be a good reason why people can’t have enough with Facebook.

According to recent report on Monitor on Psychology: A Publication of The American Psychological Association, Facebook indeed has the “magic” to satisfy people’s need for connectedness and self-promotion, boost people’s self-esteem, and help people maintain offline relationship. If people feel lonely and disconnected, they can find comfort on Facebook. If they are not feeling lonely, they can also go to Facebook to maintain their social connections. So, Facebook attracts people, regardless how lonely or social people feel.

Research evidence also shows that people who look at their own Facebook page for as little as three minutes can show a significant increase of self-esteem as compared to the control groups who either look at themself in a mirror or simply wait in a room for three minutes. It is believed that the “Photoshopped version” of people themselves have a positive effect on their self-esteem.

Facebook can also be considered as a means to build a person’s social capital. Because of Facebook, people can now access the updates of their friends, which they would not be able to do otherwise, and thus, have fewer chances of missing out a story or sometimes, a job opportunity.

Is that so? What is your reason of using Facebook? Do you think Facebook help you boost your self-esteem? Does Facebook or social media in general allow you to maintain a closer relationship with your friends and family? Furthermore, are you addicted to Facebook or social media in one way or another? Or do you know anyone who is addicted to Facebook or another social media tool? Please feel free share your stories with us.  

Winerman, Lea (2013, March). What draws us to Facebook? Psychologists and communication researchers are studying how Facebook so successfully lures us in. Monitor on Psychology: A Publication of The American Psychological Association, 44(3), 56-58.
The picture was downloaded from the Joking Cobra Blog


  1. It feels so nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject. Really thankful to you for starting this. promotional event company

  2. Keeping myself busy, learning from others, supporting FB friends, receiving supports from FB friends, and keeping me alive and lively.

  3. I remember watching something on the news that said sometimes too much surfing on facebook and the internet causes depression, which is the exact opposite of improvement in the self-esteem category. For example when you go on facebook feeling "lonely" you might run into pictures of other people having fun, which makes you feel like you're missing out on the action. Thus causing a negative feeling. I believe facebook can affect you negatively or positively, depending on the mindset you take logging into facebook. Even though Facebook could be a good thing, I believe everything needs to be taken in moderation. Enjoy facebook, but then go outside and play.


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