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Showing posts from October, 2024

What Shall We Do When Job Seekers Cheat the AI Hiring Systems?

AI can streamline the hiring process, but concerns linger. For example, AI could perpetuate gender or racial biases in the hiring process , just like most human HR managers could do. Meanwhile, to increase the chances of being picked by AI, job candidates must prepare resumes and job interviews tailored to AI’s “preference.” When more job candidates understand how to convince AI that they are the best candidates for the job , can AI still make valid recommendations to hire the best-fit candidate in the pool? Then, if AI makes a mix of valid and invalid recommendations for hiring, will HR managers find it more challenging to select the right candidate for the job? The situation can get even more complicated if a candidate cheats the AI hiring systems. Cheat to bypass AI screening: Is it the cruelty of human nature? Job candidates are eager to get hired. Career coaches want to help. That is a good thing. Nevertheless, I have seen many free online tutorial videos teaching job candidate

How to Convince AI that You Are the Best Candidate for the Job

Last week, we discussed how more companies used AI to screen resumes and analyze job candidates’ performance in the initial interviews. We called for companies’ attention to the  potential AI biases in hiring . This week, we will visit what job candidates can do to help AI pick us and recommend us for hiring. A. Writing a Resume Tailored to AI Screening First and foremost, job candidates must thoroughly research the job and the company to understand its job descriptions and organizational culture. From there, they can: Write the resume in Word and submit it as a Word document instead of a PDF file. Select a straightforward format and avoid using graphics, charts, or complex layouts that could confuse AI. Use headings effectively to help AI pick up the content it seeks, such as “Relevant Job Experience” and “Education.” Strategically pick the relevant keywords that match the job descriptions as the job candidates describe what they perform(ed) at work. Highlight their achievements at wo